Sunday, August 31, 2008

Summer Fun!

Earlier this summer we had a slide party with John , Jenny, Hailey and Bella!

It was sooooo much fun! The girls were exhausted after about 3 hours of fun!

Thanks for coming over you guys! Ellie had a blast!!!

Ohhh! Poor Baby!

We were tickeling his feet and he just burst into tears!

Yum! What A Healthy Dinner!

Somebody couldn't wait for dinner!

No More Monkey's Jumping On The Bed!

Ummm, Yeah right! Ellie could pretty much careless if I ask her not to jump on my bed. She say's she has to practice her flips!

Scrub A Dub Dub Who's That Baby In The Tub!

He is so funny in the tub. He really doesn't do anything. He just stares at me like "Um, ok how long is this gonna take?"It's so funny. He totally giggles when I rub him down with lotion. Yum yum yum, he smells sooooo good!

Friday, August 29, 2008

A trip to the zoo!

A few months ago Vesna , Aaron and i took Ellie to the zoo! we had sooooo much fun! The funniest thing, out all the animals we saw, Ellie's favorite was the little worm that was crawling in uncle Aaron's hair when she was sitting on his shoulders! To cute!

Baby Danny 3 days old!

He was so little! Everbody thought he looked just like his big sis when he was born! I still couldn't believe I had my little boy! He was a little jaundice and we had to take him to the doctor three times in three days to get him re-tested. It was so sad, I couldn't handle it when they had to poke his little foot. But it was all taken care of by the time he was a week old.

Welcome Baby Brother

Daniel Gregory Nery Born March 4, 2008. 7lbs. 2 oz. 21 inches long! These are just some pictures for family out of state who didn't get see him when he was my little peanut! I cannot believe how time flies. He is going to be 6 months old in 6 days!

My Beautiful Babies!!

Sooo sweet! Ellie loves to snuggle her baby brother! She cant wait for him to wake up in the morning so she can sing and play with him! He totally lights up whenever he sees her!